Dave Dvořák

Caller & Teacher since 1990
Calling Square Dancing B to C2, Country (Contra) Dancing.
Calling in the Czech Republic for:
Country Farrow SDC, Prague and SDC ComeBack Úvaly.
Calling in Germany for:
Wild Bunch e.V., Waldershof and Smiling Bavarians e.V., Neutraubling.
Member of:
ECTA e.V., CSCTA o.s., CCCDCA o.s.
Has been calling in:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia.

See me calling:

Virginia Reel in Austria

Square Dancing, Americký týden, Šiklův mlýn

A1 Singing Call, Laaber, Germany

C1 tip in Austria

Hard at work

David can

Call Square Dancing
Easy Basic up to C2
Beginners, Fun Parties

Teach Contra Dancing
Traditional dancing also in
Lines, Squares, Circles...

Sound Your Dance Events Up to 4 small to mid-size halls
2 Hilton sets, 2 PA systems


David Dvořák
Pod Stanicí 26
CZ-10200 Praha

Tel. +420 777 649 000